NAV Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd. Approved to Act as External Fund Administrator for Gibraltar-Domiciled Experienced Investor Funds

November 4, 2021 | 1 minute read
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The Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) has approved NAV Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd. to act as an external fund administrator for Experienced Investor Funds (EIFs) domiciled in Gibraltar.

One of only nine external fund administrators operating in Gibraltar under GFSC consent, NAV Fund Services Cayman will offer full fund administration services including fund accounting, financial accounting, compliance support, registrar, transfer agency, and client services.

"We're pleased to have the opportunity to offer EIF managers operating in Gibraltar -- and our clients who may have an interest in domiciling funds there -- our proven administration solutions, backed by 30 years of global experience in the industry," NAV COO Ambuj Garg said. "Our expertise, superior client service, and proprietary technology enable us to provide comprehensive solutions and a very competitive pricing structure."

Gibraltar is an internationally competitive market, offering a focus on regulatory compliance, favorable tax status, and a streamlined process that supports rapid set up of funds. "Gibraltar's diverse and strong economy has made it a leading international financial services center. We look forward to bringing our services to such a strategically well-positioned business environment," Garg said.

NAV Fund Services Cayman is registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) as a mutual fund administrator and is an affiliate of NAV Fund Administration Group, a privately-owned U.S.-based fund administrator founded in 1991. NAV's team of 1,500 professionals provide services to 1,600+ Hedge Fund, Private Equity & Real Estate Funds, CTA, and Managed Account clients across the globe and ranks among the top 10 global hedge fund administrators by number of funds, servicing more than $125 billion AUA.

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